In a world where the fleeting seasons dictate the availability of our favorite fruits, learning the art of canning has become a treasured skill. Imagine the pleasure of immersing yourself in the rich, vibrant flavors of summer fruits, even as winter’s frost blankets the world outside. This is not the realm of fantasy, but a practical reality, achievable through a simple but effective conservation method. Here we explore a method that can keep your fruit amazingly fresh for up to a year, transforming your culinary experience.

Selection and preparation of fruits

The first step to successful canning is choosing quality fruit. Freshness, absence of rot and damage are key criteria, since the condition of the fruit at the initial stage greatly influences the final result. After selection, it is necessary to rinse thoroughly to remove dirt and impurities so that the fruit is perfectly clean for preservation.

Sterilization of jars

Sterility is the watchword when it comes to the containers in which your fruit will be stored. Using clean, dry glass jars (preferably 1500ml), pour boiling water into them and leave for 10 minutes. This process eliminates any potential contaminants, creating a safe environment for the fruit.

Creation of a preservative solution

Next, prepare the canning liquid by boiling water and adding 2 tablespoons of sugar to each jar. This sweet solution is essential to inhibit microbial growth and keep fruits fresh.

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