Baked Potato Recipe


Scrub the potatoes well under running water to remove any dirt.
Gently pat them dry with a clean dish towel.
To let steam escape during baking, pierce the potatoes in various spots with a fork.
Season the potatoes with salt and olive oil.
Place them immediately on a baking sheet coated with parchment paper or a rack in the oven.
After forty-five to sixty minutes in the oven, or when a fork poke makes the skin crisp and soft, check the doneness.

Win-Win Tip: Use uniformly sized potatoes to ensure uniform cooking.

Make sure the potatoes don’t explode in the oven by poking them with a fork.
Applying more oil and salt to the potatoes before baking will result in a harder, crispier exterior.
Potatoes are beneficial to your health since they include a lot of fiber, potassium, vitamins C and B6, and other nutrients.
Without any added butter or cheese, baked potatoes have very little calories and fat.
Calorie Breakdown: (Each dish)
Energy: Approximately 220
Zero grams of fat
Number of carbs: 51 grams
Carbohydrate: 4.6 grams
There are 4.6 grams of protein.
Folate: 45 percent of the daily value Potassium—26% of the DV


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