Classic Cream Puffs with Caramel & Vanilla Cream


Step into the past with this classic recipe that has stood the test of time for over a century! This cherished recipe was lovingly passed down from my grandmother, a true kitchen maestro. It combines light, airy choux pastry with decadent caramel and vanilla creams, making it a perfect indulgence for any occasion. While the process involves several steps, the result is a batch of heavenly cream puffs that are sure to impress. Let’s explore each step in detail and create this vintage delight together!

For the Dough (Choux Pastry):
Water: 200 ml (¾ cup)
Purpose: Provides the liquid needed to create steam, which helps the dough rise in the oven.
Butter: 50g (1¾ oz)
Purpose: Adds richness and flavor to the dough, contributing to its tender texture.
All-Purpose Flour: 150g (1¼ cup)
Purpose: Forms the structure of the puffs, creating a light and airy texture.
Salt: A pinch
Purpose: Enhances the flavor and helps balance the sweetness.
Eggs: 4
Purpose: Provides moisture and structure, helping the dough to rise and hold its shape.
For the Caramel Cream:
Sugar: 4 tbsp
Purpose: Caramelizes to create a rich, golden caramel that adds a deep flavor to the cream.
Heavy Cream (for cooking): 150 ml (⅔ cup)
Purpose: Combines with the caramelized sugar to create a smooth, creamy texture.
Heavy Cream (for whipping): 300 ml (1¼ cups)
Purpose: Whipped to create a light and airy texture that blends beautifully with the caramel.
For the Vanilla Cream:
Milk: 400 ml (1⅔ cup)
Purpose: The base for the custard, providing a smooth and creamy consistency.
Vanilla Custard Powder or Cornstarch: 50g (⅓ cup)
Purpose: Thickens the milk to form a rich vanilla custard.
Sugar: 4 tbsp
Purpose: Sweetens the custard, balancing the flavors.
Heavy Cream: 300 ml (1¼ cups)
Purpose: Whipped to add a light and fluffy texture to the vanilla cream.
For the Caramel Frosting (optional):
Sugar: 125g (⅔ cup)
Purpose: Caramelizes to create a glossy, sweet frosting.
Butter: 45g (1½ oz)
Purpose: Adds richness and smoothness to the caramel frosting.
Heavy Cream: 75 ml (⅓ cup)
Purpose: Helps achieve a smooth consistency for the frosting.

Continued on the next page

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