If you are a baggage handler, here’s why you never should tie anything to your suitcase


But according to a baggage handler at Dublin Airport, distinguishing your luggage in this way could end up completely derailing your holiday.

The employee, named John, explained that personalising your precious baggage could actually do more harm than good, as your belongings might not even make it onto the plane.

He told RSVP Live: “Ribbons people tie onto their suitcases to help identify them can cause issues with the bag being scanned in the baggage hall.

“If the bag can’t be scanned automatically it can end up in manual processing, which could mean your bag doesn’t make it to the flight,” he added.

“Take old stickers off the bag, it can cause confusion with the scanning process.”

John also shared a couple of handy tips for travellers to take note of if they want a stress-free experience with their luggage, such as placing your suitcase wheels up to avoid damage.
But his golden rule is to never pack Marzipan in your luggage – so if you’re something of a baker, you better think of a flight-friendly back up to take with you.

The baggage handler explained that the thick paste made from ground almonds, sugar and egg has the ‘same density’ as some explosives – so don’t be surprised if you and you’re bag are pulled aside for a thorough search.

Missing the family holiday for a bit of Marzipan just isn’t worth it really, is it?

So it sounds like it’s best to leave the ribbons and cake supplies at home if you want to make your flight this summer.

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