My husband says I’m the Snow Queen. Quickly and easily whiten snow-white things.


Boric acid
A product available in pharmacies on every corner. The acid penetrates deep into fabrics and removes even old, stubborn stains. Making homemade bleach is very simple: just take a few sachets of acid and dissolve them in ten liters of water. You have to wait for it to completely dissolve.

Therefore, it is necessary to beat the water for a long time until no grains are visible. Then we place the stained clothes in a container with this water and wait. After a few hours we take them out and wash them by machine or by hand as usual.

Powdered detergent and manganese solution.
You need to fill a bucket with hot water and pour about two hundred grams of washing powder into it. Next, you must dissolve several manganese crystals in a cup of old water. The liquid should turn pink. You have to stir the water for a long time so that the crystals dissolve completely. Otherwise they could leave stains on the objects.

Then pour the solution from the cup into a container with powder and stir. Then we put the contaminated white objects in a bucket with the prepared liquid and cover it with a bag. We wait for the water to cool and rinse things.

These two methods described above will provide optimal results at minimal cost.

Things will turn white again, as if you bought them and never used them.

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